Summer Bucket List


Although the official start of summer was just one week ago, the summer season seems to be flying by already! I order to make the most of it, I wanted to create a bucket list for our family to maximize the glorious, long days of summer, all the of sunshine, and the fun activities/events that are going on in and around our community. Being intentional and purposeful with our time is something that I have been convicted of this past year! Our babies are growing up fast and I want to really enjoy this fun and unique season we are in.

So if you find yourself feeling the same, and wanting to make the most of your summer…I thought I would share a  family friendly bucket list filled with easy, and enjoyable ideas that you can add to your calendar this summer.

  1. Go out for ice cream
  2. Go on an adventure somewhere new
  3. Go to the zoo
  4. Go to the pool- a lot!
  5. Go to a splash pad
  6. Watch fireworks
  7. Play with water balloons
  8. Go see a movie
  9. Laying the backyard and watch the stars
  10. Go on a nature walk
  11. Have a picnic at the park
  12. Visit a museum
  13. Make playdough
  14. Invite friends over for a summer BBQ
  15. Build a backyard fort
  16. Backyard Bonfire/make s’mores
  17. Take a road trip somewhere new
  18. Go to a baseball game
  19. Make homemade popsicles
  20. Family bike ride
  21. Family game night
  22. To to a farmers market
  23. Unplug for 24 hours
  24. Pajama Day
  25. Go to an outdoor concert


I hope this list inspires you to get planning and thinking about how you want to spend your summer with your family. I love the quote from cultivate what matters, “how you spend your time is how you spend your life”. So I encourage you to make a list of all the things you want to do/experience/accomplish this summer and make them happen!

Thanks for stopping by my sweet friends.

Blessings, Sarah



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