I am so excited to introduce you to my dear friend, Sandra Rohrer. She is a wife, mama of 3, business owner, and is currently writing a book, called the “Mending Letters”. The Mending Letters is a memoir of Sandra life. She shares her heart healing journey from the tragedies, injustice, and murder of her mother. Sandra was able to find peace in the chaos and extend forgiveness to the murderer. Sandra has such an amazing testimony, and God is using her story in so many incredible ways!
You can follow Sandra on Instagram @themendingletters to learn more about her incredible story!
This time of year glistens with memories! All the songs and smells can transport us back to the past. It goes without say that holidays and memories go hand in hand.
What if you have some not so good memories? What if you are stuck on what your Aunt Shelly said to you last Christmas. Every time you think about it, you get angry and allow yourself to think some not so kind thoughts. I have an unusual holiday tip to muster up before the next family gathering.
Did I just hear a gasp?! Maybe you are thinking, why should I forgive, she was the rude one. Or maybe you have a passive aggressive mother, that doesn’t clearly communicate what she wants? A sibling that throws a dig here and there. Or possibly the competitive cousin. Pick a relative any relative. It’s not hard to find the dirt on someone. How about pulling on some grace to find the gold?
Yep, we need to forgive them. Interestingly, it’s not about them, it’s about stewarding your heart, and not picking up any unnecessary baggage. For one, un-forgiveness attracts offense which is the sister to the victim mentally. I always picture Eeyore with the victim mentality, he walks around saying, “Poor me, I don’t have any choices.”
Forgiveness, really is the excellent choice because who wants to carry all that baggage around! It affects those around us and goodness, it wears us out in the process too. How would I know this? I am sharing from lots and lots of experience.
I held on to grudges, anger, and resentment that filled my heart for way to long! When I forgive, it makes room for love. It’s important to love the one in front of us.
I encourage you at your next family gathering to believe the best and forgive. Forgiveness isn’t a formula. However, if it’s hard to find some words, I find this helpful. Forgive from the heart.
I acknowledge it hurt when _________said/did______________.
I forgive _____________ for _____________________.
God forgive me for judging them in my thoughts and________________.
I bless them with Your love, Your peace, and Your goodness.
It seems right that as we celebrate the birth of Jesus, Our Savior, we acknowledge one of our greatest gifts that He gave us– forgiveness. May we extend it to others at the most wonderful time of year!