I love to exercise, whether that be lifting weights, running, yoga, walking…..just get my body moving 5-6 days a week. I feel better when I am active, get my heart rate up, and get those endorphins pumping in my body! Honestly I find that I am a better mama, and wife after I get my workout in that day….I usually feel more motivated, energized, confidant, encouraged, and ready to tackle my day after a sweat session!
I am going to share a super simple at home leg/booty building routine you can do at home in under 15-20 minutes!
Start with a quick warm up…either a 5 min walk or jog (on a treadmill or around the block), or 100 jumping jacks just to get your blood pumping and muscles warm. When I am at the gym I do 10 mins on the stair stepper as my warm up on lifting days.
Here is the leg/glute exercise series:
– 30 Lunges ( alternate legs)
* Make sure you are stepping out far enough, your front leg should be at a right angle, and your knee should be in line with your ankle to avoid knee injury!
– 20 Single leg dead lifts (10 on each side)
* take each rep slow and really get the range of motion by lifting your leg to align and make a straight line with your whole body (this also is great for your core)
– 20 Squats (legs shoulder width apart)
(the closer your legs are together the more it hits your booty and hamstrings!)
– 30 Donkey Kicks (15 on each side)
-20 Glute bridges
Repeat this series, in this order 3 times, resting 1-2 minutes in between sets. You you def feel the burn, especially in your booty!!
If this feels too easy, you can increase the number of reps for each exercise or hold 10-20LB weights to make it more challenging.
I usually take 2 of my lifting days per week to focus on legs and glutes. These have actually become my favorite workout days (besides my running days). Because for me having strong legs and glutes helps me fun faster, and better, it also helps my posture, my lower back, and frankly my confidence. I have actually my working on building my backside, making it bigger and more muscular! I have been suffering from the dreaded “mom butt” after the birth of my 2 kids and the lack of consistent weight training for almost 2 years! But no more….
I hope you find this simple, yet effective at home workout helpful and motivating to get moving and be the best wife, mama, woman you can be! I am going to start posting more frequet workout posts on Instagram and insta-stores! So if you want more daily fit tips follow over there….I am thehautehomemaker
Also if you have not already, make sure to subscribe to my blog if you want to get more fitness tips, workouts, outfitting inspiration, healthy recipes….Plus I will be doing fun monthly giveaways for my subscribers ONLY, so you won’t want to miss those!!