This is my “Why”…..these people right here! I am so blessed to be able to stay home with my kids, while pursing my passion of teaching and encouraging women, through my online boutique ShopBlume, myFacebook style community, and this blog.
We are a team, team Kelly!! My husband Brian advises me, encourages me, take photos, takes care of the kids so I can work, cooks, cleans, works hard at his job as a Police Officer to provide for our family. My 2 toddlers Drake & Shay get to watch me as I help others, learn about hard work, determination, creativity, and how to balance being a wife, mom, and start/run my own business from nothing. They help me ship orders and love to play “boutique” in my office/warehouse in our basement. It can be challenging at times balancing work and our family life, but in the hard days I look at these faces, and I read the comments and emails from my joyful clients who have been loved and encouraged through Blume. Or when I am interacting with all the amazing women in my facebook ShopBlume style community, I know it is all worth it!
I have realized something very important these past few months. My time with my kids is precious and these moments will soon be but a memory. I want to love them and my husband well, and do so I need to find a balance as a entrepreneur, and as a wife/mom! This is a constant battle, but I am determined to find ways to improve and grow in these areas! So, I have taken the steps to plan out my days/weeks for when I am working, and when I need to just put down my phone, turn off my computer, and stop thinking about my to-do list! I can’t do 10 things at once well, and as a perfectionist this has been hard for me to comes to terms with. So instead trying to do several things all at once, I have re-prioritized my time and set goals for each day to be laser focused on 2 or 3 things for that day. That way I can be fully present in whatever I am doing, whether that is work, playing with my kids on the floor, spending time alone reading the word, or enjoying time with my husband. I have had to let a lot of things go, learn to say no to things, and not sweat the small stuff…and you know what, I feel so much more freedom!!
I just want to encourage you to reflect and remember your “why”?! What gifts has God given you, how you can you use them to help or encourage others? No matter how big or small they are…they matter, you matter and you can leave a positive impact on this world!
Also, make sure to subscribe so you can get all my style tips, updates, recipes, and shopping tips right to your inbox! If you want daily outfitting ideas or see what I am wearing…follow me on instagram @theahautehomemaker