Last week marked a very important mile stone for my husband and our family! He has worked so incredibly hard these past 23 weeks going through his second police academy (he previously worked for the city of Denver for 6 1/2 years in law enforcement). It has been a very challenging season to say the least… to support my husband each day to get through the rigorous physical, and psychological training….but we did it!! And I must say we are all better for it.
I am so honored to be married to this man…my husband has committed his life to helping/serving others and our country in the Air Force for 6 years, as well as the the City of Denver, and now the City of Des Moines. #proudwifey
It is important for me to be transparent about our life…if is not easy balancing my jobs as wife, mom of 2 toddlers, business owner, sister, and friend! Some days is feels all too overwhelming. But then I remember how thankful I am to be able to stay at home with my kids, to do a job that I love, where I use the gifting’s Gods given me to help other busy moms/women like me. I am so lucky to have a husband that supports me and my dreams, and does whatever he can to help, and is a sounding board when I need to talk through the challenges. When I dwell on these things, and stay focused on my “why”, it brings me so much joy, and makes the hard days so worth it!
Thanks for following along with me in this journey! And thank your for your continued prayers as my husband heads to the streets to keep the city a safer place!
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