Here are my 5 easy tips to help you get more organized this week…
1. Meal Plan. Set aside some time over the weekend to look at the upcoming week, and decide how many meals you need/want to cook that week. This will save you time and headaches later in the week when you know exactly what your cooking each day, and even save you an extra trip to the grocery store. I know when I meal plan for the week I actually save myself time and stress throughout the week! This way you won’t find yourself standing in front of your refrigerator at 5pm stressing about what you will make for dinner!
2. Do your grocery shopping online. After I have made a list of the meals I will be cooking for the week, I make a list of the ingredients and items I will need. I like to do this on Sunday afternoon while my kids are napping. If you have not ordered your groceries online before, you need to! They make it so incredibly easy to shop, it saves me a long and sometimes difficult trip to the store (which is usually with my 2 toddlers) and I know I am saving money by not shopping in-store, where I always tend to slip a few extra items in my cart that were not on my grocery list! I order my groceries and they are ready for me to pick-up the next morning. Some store offer home delivery, (with a fee) but this is also a great option if you don’t mind paying a little extra (hello new-born mama’s). I wish I had discovered this service earlier!
3. Get up early. I try and get up at least a half hour earlier then my kids (around 5:30-6:00). When I have a few quite moments to myself first thing the morning, to drink my coffee, have my quiet time with my devotional and read my bible, as well as look at my schedule for the rest of the day. I find on the days I make this a priority, and get out of bed early, even when I am tired, my day seems to run a little smoother. Granted our life is a little crazy presently, and I can’t always predict what will happen each day. But I feel more composed, focused, and eager to tackle my day,, when I take the 20-30 mins to myself first thing in the am.
4. Layout your clothes for the next day. Before Igo to bed each night I think about where I am going to be the next day. Usually I am going to start my day with a workout either a run or a trip to the gym, so I lay out my workout clothes. That way when I wake up I get dressed first thing and I am ready to tackle my busy day with intention! And I find when I am dressed and ready for my workout first thing, I am less likely to skip my workout. Also,if I know that I have somewhere to be in the am for work, or we are headed out some place I like to have my outfit ready to go. That way I don’t have to spend the time that morning thinking about what I am going to wear…all I have to do is shower, do my makeup/hair and or change after my workout, and I am ready to go for the day. Just make sure you check the weather for the next day when you are picking out your outfit at night, that way you will now what kind of outfit to pick out.
5. Look at your to-list for the next day before you head to bed. Every night before bed I like to look at my planner (yes I am old school and LOVE to write everything in my planner) and see what we have going on for the next day. It reminds me of any scheduled appointments we may have, activities we are doing, if I need to make a meal for someone, or run and errand, what work I am have planned to accomplish. I like to know what I have going on, how I can best prepare myself, my husband and my kids for the day. We have so many things going on daily, that I know in order for me to be able to accomplish them in the most efficient way possible, it starts with a game plan. When I have my list in front of me I can form a plan and prioritize our day. Some days run smoother than others, and things come up, we just try to roll with it! But I think its important to live each day with purpose, and being as prepared as you can be. This will help make your day run more efficiently, give you more confidence, and help everyone have the best day possible.
I hope these tips are helpful and you are encouraged and energized to start a new week off with hope and enthusiasm! I know life can be hectic and hard at times…and I want to tell you that your doing a great job mama!! The bible says we are not promised tomorrow, so make today a great, purposeful day 🙂
Make sure to join me on every week for my Tip for Tuesday styling tutoiral LIVE in my facebook style community!! And if you need some easy, everyday outfitting inspiration, I post my daily looks on Instagram, and I would love for you to follow along with me!