5 Ideas To Help You Get Out Of The Mid-Winter Blah’s..

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  • 5 Ideas To Help You Get Out Of The Mid-Winter Blah’s..
It is the middle of January….The holidays feel like a distant memory and Spring seems like a lifetime from now (if you live up north in the Mid-west, or North East part of the country). So to help you get out of the Winter doldrums…I am sharing my top five tips!

*Get moving…those endorphins do help! Making it a point to get in some kind of exercise 4-6 days a week will greatly improve your mood, and well-being! Plus, it will help pass the time if your copped up at home….go to the gym or do a workout at home (Pinterest has a million at-home and gym workouts to choose from if you need some ideas!)
*Get dressed for the day even if you have nowhere to go. I promise you will feel ten times better than if you just stay in your pj’s all day!
*Take extra vitamin D!! It is essential in the winter months especially if you live in place where you’re not getting sunshine for days at a time! We take an all-natural liquid Vitamin D drops…You take 1-2 drops per day. You can take up to 8,000 IU of Vitamin D per day, and most people are very deficient in this vitamin!
*Make a list each morning of 2 or 3 things you are thankful for! This will help keep things in perspective each day! When you are focusing on being thankful you’re not dwelling on the negative things!
*Make plans to see a friend, or get your kids together for a play date. Plan at least 1 fun thing to do this week so you have something to look forward to! Go on a date night with your hubby, a coffee date with your girlfriend, or take the kids to a movie or museum. Celebrate Friday night family pizza & movie night…that is always our favorite!!

Make sure to follow me on Instagram @thehautehomemaker, as I continue to share daily outfits to help you get out of a style rut this winter!

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