14 Week Bump Date

14 Week Bump Date

I can’t believe I am already over 14 weeks pregnant! The first trimester seemed so long (due to sickness and complications), but looking back on it now it seems like a blitz.

Now that we are through the scarier moments, I had a subchorionic hemorrhage and bled on and off during weeks 5-11. This is not totally new to us, as I also experienced this with our daughter (my second pregnancy) and had severe hemorrhaging at 13 weeks. Needless to say the first trimester is always filled with uncertainty. After the loss of 2 more babies after our daughter, (both around 9 weeks) over the past 2 years….we definitely have learned to take things one day at a time, sometimes hour by hour. It kind of felt like we are on a roller coaster of emotions, highs of excitement and joy, followed by lows of fear, moments of doubt, and sadness. But through all of these trials and hard moments comes thankfulness, grace, and patience! I have felt an incredible amount of peace through this whole pregnancy, despite our circumstances, and I can only attribute it to the Lords mighty hand….it was and still is the peace that surpasses my understanding, and I am so incredibly thankful for it on the hard days.

All of these trials have also brought my husband and I closer, leaning on and encouraging each other through it all. There is so much more gratitude for each other, because we are looking out for each others needs above our own. And we have learned to communicate well in the hard moments, talking through emotions, doubts and fears together, instead of just stuffing it and not talking about the hard stuff. Don’t get me wrong, we by no means have the perfect marriage, but over the last 4 years we have really learned to love each other well through these long, and hard seasons, as well as process through the hard stuff and do it with grace and forgiveness, just as the Lord has shown us through his death on the cross for our salvation. Our faith is truly the ONLY thing that has brought each of us and our marriage out of some really dark times these past 4 years!

What I’m eating

I am definitely feeling like myself again! The morning sickness and exhaustion has subsided. Which, if you have been sick for weeks on end, feels life changing when you are able to enjoy the taste and smell of food again, and able to make it through the day without feeling like you need a 4 hour nap just to make it to dinner time!

I haven’t really had too many cravings this pregnancy, other than the occasional orange or lemon. Something about citrus fruit some days sounds amazing. I know when I was sick I was not able to stomach my normal daily salads and green smoothie, which was tough. So now that I am back to normal I have been enjoying huge salads loaded with greens, and my homemade dijon mustard dressing (apple cider vinegar, organic spicy brown mustard, a pinch of salt and chia seeds) everyday for lunch or dinner.

I have also been loving eating eggs this pregnancy. Everyday for breakfast or lunch I enjoy 2-3 very over easy or scrambled eggs with sautéed spinach and seasonings, and a little bit of cheddar cheese in top. It fills me up and fuels my body for the day ahead. Something that I am trying to be mindful of anytime I think about eating….I ask myself “Is this going to fuel my body” or is this just a temporary craving? This way I am not just mindless eating throughout the day or picking foods that are filled with junk and sugar. I want to prepare my body for the best possible labor and delivery through a healthful diet, and help my baby grow with the best nutrients and environment as possible. That all starts with clean nutrition!

What I’m wearing

Here are a few of things that have been helping me as I get dressed everyday and the pieces I have been loving lately in pregnancy….

Head here to see all my pregnancy, nursing and baby gear must-have’s.

Blessings Sarah


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